This Side-by-Side tricycle was missing a few parts - not specialist parts though!!
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With a few basic bike parts, love and attention, this tricycle was back out doing what it should be.
Disability bikes are valuable and special pieces of equipment but they don’t need a special hourly rate when worked on. They don’t often have 'bicycle' components that are made especially for the bike so, we won’t charge premium rates for working on your bike.
Should you have a bike that has specialist equipment, we will try to resolve the issue with you. We work with a select few that can make parts and accessories without the ‘disability premium’ that some manufacturers charge.
We don’t believe that because the bike is different, you should be charged a different rate. We want to turn the disability bike into an ability bike. We want you to be able to use your bike knowing that it won’t cost the earth to service or repair it.
Because of the initial cost of tricycles, passenger carrying bikes and hand propelled bikes, it may be more rewarding for you to source a second hand bike and let us restore it for you in a new colour with new parts, to bring the old machine back to life. Instead of thousands of pounds for a new bike, you could spend hundreds on a one off bike that looks like new and is 'yours'.